HELP Me Bring My 3 Baby Girls Back HOME to TEXAS!

The only reason the x gave me for leaving, taking my kinds, destroying my life and crushing my sole is because "she doesn't like living in Texas." These young girls should not be forced to grow up without a Father due to their mothers selfishness.

Freedomsoft Scam or Just Pure Greed?

The creators and sellers of the Freedomsoft program apparently can’t make enough money the honest straight forward way. The makers of the semi-popular real estate investor software will double dip your wallet at a moment’s notice. As a Freedomsoft user I found out the hard way that they rule with an iron fist. You pay … Continued

4 Instances When You Shouldn’t Use an Agent to Sell Your House

Not every home is the right fit for the conventional listing process with an agent selling a home on the open market. It is disheartening when day after day passes and the phone isn’t ringing, especially if there is an urgent need for the proceeds from the sale to alleviate financial issues. Personal circumstances can … Continued

5 Questions to Ask Your Landlord Before Signing A Lease

When you rent a home, your landlord will unfortunately become part of your life. With that said, it’s imperative you ask all the right questions before entering into an agreement with them. Here are five often overlooked questions you absolutely should ask.